Restore Hope - General Donation
Restore Hope - Orphan Aid
Restore Hope - Emergency Response Fund

Sierra Leone is engulfed in a historic Ebola virus
outbreak that is causing unprecedented death and panic.
It is threatening to destroy many gains that have been made
since the country’s civil war. As the number of confirmed Ebola
cases continued to rise this week, Sierra Leone’s President
Ernest Bai Koroma declared
a state of emergency. Public health officials fear the
worst and have warned it may take six months to get the spread
of the virus under control. Health workers are rapidly
exhausting their energies and supplies. Confusion and fear have
led to violent attacks against medical clinics. Skepticism of
government warnings is contributing to non-compliance with
recommended prevention and treatment measures.
What are the people of God to do in the midst of such
chaos? What is the church’s responsibility?
In Numbers 21, God instructs Moses to have victims of snake
bites look up to a bronze serpent and be healed. John 3:14-15
says, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness,
so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes
may have eternal life in Him.” In the midst of darkness
and despair, we are to point to the cross. We are to be Jesus’
emissaries bringing healing and hope. We are to stand tall for
we have a Spirit of power. We are to pray fervently to God, our
Healer - Jehovah Rapha - who alone is able to stop the spread
of the Ebola virus.
In response to the current crisis, we are
working with trusted church leaders and community partners in
Sierra Leone to provide sanitation supplies, Ebola
sensitization, and emergency medical relief. We have already
issued radio announcements and distributed Ebola prevention and
awareness materials. Above all, we continue to seek heavenly
wisdom for our personnel, resources, and ministry activities.
Our work in Sierra Leone touches the most vulnerable-widows,
orphans, and extremely poor families. These precious ones need
our prayers, our support, and our help.
How can you help?
Making a life-saving gift to our Emergency
Relief Fund. Contribute medical and relief supplies [Supply
Request.xlsx] to aid in our Ebola Response.
Join us in praying for the people being affected by this
horrible disease without a cure. Visit us at or to stay up to date on the
latest developments.